Lesson 1: Mold Illness, Triggers & Toxic Load
In lesson 1 of Assessing Your Risk, you will learn how mold affects the body and your health.
Type of Lesson: Health Foundations | Framework | Essential for Everyone | Intermediate Professional Level Class | Career Apex | Critical Lesson for Risk Assessment | Immersive | New Principles
Key Moments in this Lesson 1:
Understanding Your Risk 0:15
What Applies To You, Will Not Apply To Anyone Else 0:54
Head's Up 1:48
Decontamination Limits 2:57
What is Mold Illness? 3:10
Mold Allergy 3:53
Mold Toxicity (Mycotoxins) 5:18
Nasal Epithelium & Olfactory Sensory Neurons 6:14
Mycotoxin Traveling to the Brain 7:01
Limbic System 7:20
Mycotoxins Travel via Blood Stream, BBB + Mucous Membrane 8:04
Mycotoxins & Immune System 9:05
Mycotoxins & Chronic Inflammation 9:45
Mold Toxicity Testing 10:05
Internal Mycotoxin Production & Biofilms 13:13
Mold Colonization 14:39
Consequences of Colonization (Candida & Gliotoxin Production) 16:05
Mold Colonization Diagnosis & Testing 17:05
CIRS 17:30
Mold Triggers 18:39
MCAS Mast Cell 18:50
MCAS Symptoms 19:25
MCAS Diagnosis 19:42
Limbic Dysfunction 20:26
Autonomic Nervous System: Sympathetic & Parasympathetic 20:46
Triggering Your Amygdala (Sympathetic Activation) 22:00
How to Identify Healthy Limbic Response Vs. Limbic Dysregulation From Mold 23:29
Study: Effects of Mycotoxins on the Autonomic Nervous System 28:41
PANS Presentation/Symptoms 33:40
PANS: Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome 32:49
Toxic Burden/Toxic Load 36:51
Toxic Bucket Analogy 38:01
Toxic Load & Prenatal Statistics 38:31
Toxic Load Case Studies 41:31
Lea C: 42:06
Zoe 44:38
Jackson 47:08
Courtney 49:17
Referenced Sources:
Forever Chemicals: Pregnant with PFA's EWG Report
Environmental Chemicals in Pregnant Women in the United States: NHANES 2003–2004
Lesson 2: Cross Contamination, Exposure, Reactivity & Effect
In Lesson 2 of How to Assess Your Risk, you better understand the risk of cross contamination, the differing types of mold exposure & fully grasping the reality of your risks & impacts.
Pre Requisites: L1, L2, L3: Required to understand more advanced lessons later in the course.
Type of Lesson: Groundbreaking | Innovative | Framework | Essential for Everyone | New Principles | Intermediate Concepts | Disruptor/Innovator | Career Apex | Critical Lesson for Risk Assessment & Safety | High Value | Niche | Mastery Definitions | Level Up
This lesson is mandatory to work through your fear of mold. You will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of reactions, effects and the various types of mold contamination exposures that you may have encountered, so that you can better gauge your risk & personal impact.
Key Moments in this Lesson 2:
Preface 0:9
What is Cross Contamination? 0:28
How Does Cross Contamination Occur? 1:26
The Risk of CC 3:05
The Impacts of CC 5:14
The Differences regarding Reactivity & Effect 7:32
Mold Exposure Risk Matrix 8:50
Short Term Low Level Exposure 10:01
Long Term Low Level Exposure 10:54
Short Term High Level Exposure 12:54
Long Term High Level Exposure 13:55
Why Some People are Effected and Some Are Not 15:31
The Absences of Reaction Does Not Mean There is No Effect, Nor Does it Mean There is No Risk 15:55
Working with Family Who is Resistant 17:10
Working with Invisible Contamination 17:54
Don't waste energy on trying to convince people outside of your immediate household 18:10
"The Absences of Reaction Does Not Mean There is No Effect, Nor Does it Mean There is No Risk."
Lesson 3: Gauging Your Personal Impact
In Lesson 3, you will learn the fundamental framework of our Impact Barometer and the differences between symptoms, susceptibility, sensitivity and hypersensitivity.
Pre Requisites: Module 2: L1, L2, L3, L4 | Module 3: L1, L2 | Required to understand more advanced lessons later in the course.
Type of Lesson: Groundbreaking | Pioneering | Mastery Definitions | Framework | Essential for Everyone | New Principles | Intermediate - Advanced Concepts | Disruptor/Innovator | Career Apex | Critical Lesson for Risk Assessment & Safety | High Value | Niche
These impact levels will help you to be able to better of assess your personal risk & intensity levels in lesson 4. This lesson is a prerequisite to to move forward to L4 (next lesson after this).
Key Moments in this Lesson 3:
Impact Barometer (Personal Impact) 0:13
The Spectrum of Mold Illness 0:45
Stigmatization of People who are Sensitive & Hypersensitive 1:47
SENS & HYPS Exclusion 2:12
Symptoms 3:30
Onset of Symptoms 4:08
Susceptibility 6:11
Impact Barometer 6:57
Susceptibility, Dose & Genes 7:20
SUSC CBS 10:50
SUSC PST 12:09
Sensitivity: SENS 15:46
SENS: Toxicodynamics & Toxicokinetics 16:42
How you become "sensitized" 18:07
TILT & Triggers & Lose of Tolerance 18:42
QUEESI TILT Screening Tool 24:21
SENS: Genetic Polymorphisms 24:43
SENS: Gender, Lifestages, Nutritional Status, Disease Status 25:00
SENS: Vulnerability (Toxic Load) 26:30
SENS & Impact Barometer 27:38
Hypersensitivity 29:27
HYPS: Water Damaged Buildings 32:00
HYPS: Clinical Diagnostics of Mold Hypersensitivity 33:03
Final Definitions 28:37
Understanding your Personal Impact Level 37:09
Determining Where You Land 38:01
Lesson 3: Using IRIS & Determining Your Intensity Level
In this lesson, your instructor will teach you how to use IRIS, H3 Academy’s proprietary risk calculator to gauge your personal intensity level.
Type of Lesson: Groundbreaking | Innovating | Valuable | Mastery Definitions | Immersive | Framework | Essential for Everyone | New Principles | Uncharted Territory | Mind Mapping | Disruptor/Innovator | Level Up | Critical Lesson for Risk Assessment | Rewind & Refine | Career Apex | Groundwork | Core | Pillars | Evolutionary
Be prepared to go over case profiles as we bring back Jackson, Zoe, Courtney & Lea to help you get acclimated to our IRIS's intensity level tracks & grow your confidence in your own home's SMART Decon plan. We recommend favoriting or repeating this lesson or module to refine your understanding. Once you get it, you get it.
Don't worry, it's just uncharted territory right now, but once it becomes familiar it's easy.
Links In this Lesson:
Important Note: IRIS Access
IRIS is a valuable tool designed specifically for members of this course only. The information and resources associated with IRIS, including any links or access points, are considered confidential and for educational purposes.
Please respect the confidential nature of IRIS by refraining from sharing links or information outside of this course environment. Sharing this information may result in the removal of your course account and access to course materials.
Key Moments in this Lesson 4:
What is IRIS? 0:36
What are Intensity Levels? 1:17
Using IRIS 1:51
Case Studies Using IRIS 2:22
Jackson's Case: 2:35
IRIS Website 3:30
QEESI: 3:43
Using IRIS (Jackson's Case) 12:48
How to Download Jackson's IL3 Chart 17:13
Jackson's IL3 Decon Track Explanation 17:56
Zoe's Case: 24:47
IRIS & QEESI for Zoe 26:05
Zoe's IL1 Decon Track Explanation 27:35
Lea's Case: 29:47
IRIS & QEESI for Lea 30:45
Lea's IL2 Decon Track Explanation 32:32
Courtney's Case: 33:50
IRIS & QEESI for Court 35:11
Courtney's IL4 Decon Track Explanation 37:14
Wrapping Up: Take a BREAK ROCKSTAR! 38:44
IL Master Schematics IL - IL4 39:20